Bits and pieces
With all the snow and extreme cold weather we had these last days I think we all have cabin fever at our home, so these days there are a lot of baking and sipping on coffee/tea. It's a little chilly in my basement, so I haven't spent too much time there, consequentely, not worked on much. I really want to start a new quilt, but I shouldn't because I have one quilt to layer, baste and quilt and another one all ready to bind. I also got EQ7 for my birthday. Yay! It's been fun to learn the software, but that also keeps me away from my machine. I really wish I had more sewing time, but with two busy kids I think I am probably doing okay. Here are my latests works (if you follow me on Instagram you probably have seen most of them):

Working on binding Slashed Quilt

Quilting straight lines on this Sampler - Painter's tape is awesome!

Deciding on thread and quilting design for my Technicolor Galaxy BOM -- Shh! Don't tell quilting police, I am mixing poly and cotton thread ;)

This LeMoyne baby Quilt is actually all done and quilted, just need to wash it and label it.
Well, happy sewing day everyone! I mean, for those who actually have time. I'm jealous!