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Technicolor Galaxy quilt and what I have learned from it (so far).

I have this project that I have started over a year ago - I signed up on December 30th, 2014. Say whaaat? It was supposed to be a relatively easy skill builder block of the month thing. I will be honest, I wasn't so crazy about the design, but I wanted something from which I was going to learn and be challenged. Well, if there was challenge I was looking for, it was a challenge I got. The techniques were things I have done before, but I like seeing how other people do them differently. We worked on bias tape appliqué, foundation paper piecing, raw edge appliqué, tuned-edge appliqué, hexies, freezer paper piece appliqué (which is basically a six-minute circle) and improv. Other techniques used was glue basting, quilt as you go (which is in process), and free motion quilting.

I decided early on that I wanted to use this quilt to practice FMQ, but I have also used some straight line quilting and most recently I hand quilted for the first time (on blocks #8). Check out all the Aurifil that went into these four blocks. I hand quilted with matching Aurifil 28wt (2540, 2140, 2840, 2230) and beige 12wt (2000) and then free motion quilted with 50wt -2021 on top, matching colors on bottom (1100, 2220, 2892, 2115).

I was on track, but then Alyssa, from Pile O'Fabric got sick during her pregnancy, and I, well, I just got lazy, or busy, or both. I still have blocks 10 and 11 to quilt and those are some large ones, so who knows when they will get done.

Nevertheless, here is what I learned so far during this process:

1- Avoid long term commitments. You can get sick of it pretty fast. Don't get me wrong, this has been a great project, but it is also very time consuming and with my limited time, I can't afford to invest so much in only one project (I get bored and need the excitement of working on multiple things). This year (2016) I avoid joining any QALs or block of the month, even though I was dying to join on the Collections quilt adventure.

2- Life happens. What are you going to do about it? We had a pause because Alyssa's illness, but we all had a chance to catch up.

3- Don't be afraid, even when something looks intimidating like this quilt. Chances are, you will learn a ton. There were times I dreaded to work on something (ahem, like quilting blocks 10 and 11), but I tried to see everything as practice, attaining to be better at whatever it was that I was avoiding.

4- Follow directions. Read it first, then do it. I must admit, there were some times I just wanted to watch her quick video and jump in, but it saved me a lot of trouble to check out the written directions before cutting or stitching anything.

5- When it comes to small pieces, spray basting is your best friend.

6- No one will care if you repeat fabric. When I started I didn't have many prints. I had to do a little stash building, but in the end, no one will notice if that 5/8" hexie is using the same fabric than the 1" orange peel. I remember fretting so much just thinking about all the fabric I had to buy. In the end, I slowly build up my stash, but I also repeated a lot of prints and I am fine with that.

7- Try new things, approach it as a test quilt, and it might still look like one of your best works. I am not trying to be pretentious and saying this is one of my best works, I am just making a point that it could be a best work if you tried new things in a casual way.

Well, I can't think on anything else and if I do I'll write it on another post. Also, it's late and I am tired, so I'll spare you of any further grammar mistakes.

Do you have a project that you have been working on for a long time and feel unmotivated to continue? Or do you have a tip for us 'generation Yers who gets bored at something that was so two seconds ago' to keep on going? Feel free to share below.

Thanks peeps!

Have a great day and go sew something!

xo, S.

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