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Mini Quilted Tote

I wanted to share a little project that I just finished. I was making this little tote bag for my 3 year-old, but it's actually going to be a gift to a friend.

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But I'll be making a second one soon, because she was really excited about this one. (Can you tell by her face?)

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Excuse the fuzzyness of the picture above, but I had to include it, because she took it, and I said I would share it on the blog.

The kiddie one was inspired by The Perfect Quilted Tote by Elizabeth Hartmann. I made a variation for myself a little while ago using some Amy Butler prints.

Perfect tote Collage.jpg

For the kiddie one, I updated a pattern from an older book called Bags of Style (by Ellen Kharade) and combined it with some elements of The Perfect Quilted Tote. The size is perfect for a little one that just wants to carry small little triklets or a book. I used Essex Linen for the handles, sides and bottom, and Denyse Schmidt prints for the patchwork.

The first Perfect Quilted Tote I've made was this one below for the STLMQG Charity. You can see parts of its construction here. I love how these woodsy prints complement the log cabin style block. It was tough to part with it, but the hope is that it would make someone happy.

Charity tote Collage.jpg

I have made lots of totes in my sewing life, but nowadays I find it hard to spend time on them or others projects that are not a quilt. Perhaps it is because there are way too many steps and I usually want to work on something mindless. I have far too many dress patterns planned out to make for my girls, but I always feel that they will have outgrown them by the time I finish it. I have two kids, so when I am sewing, I am trying to relax.

How about you? Do you sew for charity or your kids too? Or do you mainly prefer to quilt? What bag/tote patterns are your favorites?

PS: Forgive my lack of high-techness for if you leave me a comment, I'll have to answer right here on the blog. This platform won't allow email responses, so I do hope you come back to continue our chat. If that's a problem, please feel free to chat through email @ Sorry for the inconvenience! xo.

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