Getting ready for QuiltCon
Wow! Where does the time go? QuiltCon is next week and I am getting so excited! I can't wait to see all the wonderful quilts at the show and learn from the lectures' speakers and from my class. I am taking Rainbow Remix with Becca Bryan. It will be fun play with color and liberated quiltmaking.

I also am excited to see my quilt hanging on a show for the first time. My quilt didn't make it to the cover of the QuiltCon magazine, but my friend Yvonne from QuiltingJetGirl is on the cover. It is a beautiful cover, so well deserved. I was so honored to just be considered among all the other beautiful quilts that are in the magazine. You can pre-order the digital magazine, but you can ind it at QuiltCon and it will be hitting the stands on March 1st.

Also, in the past couple weeks my brother made me the most wonderful logo, so I ordered my Quiltcon buttons right away and made myself a lanyard to pin all my exchanged buttons.

I will be posting lots of pics on Instagram - and keep a lookut, because I will be posting from two different accounts. Mine and 52 Quilters - I will be the featured quilter on 52 Quilters next week, so it will be fun! Plus, I'll try to Periscope some too, so that if you are not going, you can get a little feel of the conference at the comfort of your own couch/bed/home. ;) So, make sure to follow me on periscope app (@astrangerview), here and here.
I would love to know, comment below, if you are going too or what will you do if you are not going. Hope you all have a fun time this coming week - at home sewing or at QuiltCon socializing! I am sure I will.
xo, S.