Skill Builder BOM - Block #1
Have you seen the Technicolor Galaxy Skill Builder BOM from Pile O'Fabric? I am playing along and have finished my first block. It was very involved and had tons of mishappening (the bias tape wouldn't stick, the bulk on the center was a pain to stitch, there were tension issues --even with my Aurifil--, but I am also learning a ton. Never had done glue basting, but I'm loving it now. Also, this will be my first QAYG (Quil-as-you-go) project. Plus, tons of FMQ practice, and I am sure I'll be able to list lots of other benefits later. So, I thought it would be a good idea to write about my progress. Here is block nº1:

There are some fabrics that I would like to change, but it takes time to build a great stash, so I'll just be okay with what I have and then move on. As I mentioned before, the bias tape was disastrous. It's not a technique I will be looking forward to work on again, but I do like the outcome, so you never know, maybe I'll will work on bias tape again -- but not soon.
I really like my FMQ design, it's modern yet flowy. It did make the piece a little stiff because I quilted every inch of it. With that said, I wish I hadn't quilted the center petals so heavily. Well, some people say, there is no such thing as too much quilting, and since I plan on hanging this quilt, then it's all good.

I am almost done on my block nº2 and will be posting my progress soon, but I wanted to post this one before because it turned out really good. I am excited to see this quilt developing along the year. To see more about this quilt on Instagram, look for #technicolorgalaxy and make sure to check out my IG account too (here).

What do you think? Have you ever worked on a color wheel quilt?
Thanks for stopping by and keep on sewing.
xo, S.