Technicolor Galaxy BOM - block #2
This past month I worked on my block number two for the Technicolor Galaxy BOM and boy, it was intense. There were 12 points to paper-piece - each point, has three parts to piece and join. Then I had to quilt all of that. I made my points all out of low volume and light/neutral solid fabrics. The original design is a mixture of low volumes and colors from the color wheel, but I decided to keep the points not so visible, so that my center and outer circles are more visible. I love the paper-piecing part, I especially like that I don't have to peel all the fabric, since it is made with a wash-away stabilizer. Again, the glue basting worked great to keep everything flat. I also used spray-basting for the first time, since the 12 points were small. I worked fine, but it did leave my Machingers gloves a little sticky.
On this first picture you can actually see my block number 3 already pieced, but it isn't quilted yet, and I might still change the order of some fabrics.

I like the texture on the back wih solid fabrics, but changing bobbin thread was a pain.

Here is a close-up of the quilted back,

and the quilted front.

Paper-piecing steps,

and the mess after that.

I am looking forward for the next blocks, but for now, I am going to tone the quilting down a notch. All those swirls, feathers, and pebbles was very tense and exhausting.
And that's it for today.
xo, S.