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A giveaway, an old finish, and some new places to find me

Hey all!!!

The Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day is up on my Instagram

I have curated a beautiful Cotton and Steel fat-quarter bundle, so if you would like to play it's very simple: click here, follow @astrangerview, and tag a friend for a chance to win (if you want to tag more feel free, each will count as a separate entry). ***UPDATE: This giveaway is now CLOSED. Thank you all who participated.

Now, to some "old" finished projects.

I have some finished works that need to be photographed, but until I have some free time from my "stay-at-home-mommy job" I'll post the two quilts that have been done for a little while, but I forgot to post it here.

The first one is the Slashed Quilt made with my Brazilian Chita fabric. It's so colorful and fun and I really like the FMQ I used. I left the Chita portions un-quilted, and you can see that better on the back.

The back is a larger version of what I did on the front. It's a little wrinkled (okay, it's actually a lot wrinkled), because it was a pre-washed photo, but I haven't had a chance to take another picture after the wash, so this will do for now.

The second one is the Sew at Home Mummy Classic meets Modern QAL from 2014. I really like the crazy straight line quilting, but the linked framing boxes are my favorite detail. It really makes each block special.

And for the back, I went crazy scrappy with a long line of geese. Love the plaid, it makes it really fun. Can you tell I like this quilt a lot?

Finally, I have two new places you can find my projects: A Stranger View Quilts facebook page and a Pinterest account. So, feel free to follow, like, pin, comment, because a huge part of the quilting fun is the community of fellow crafters.

Hope to see you here or at one of those places.

Happy sewing,

xo, S.

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