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The best part of making a quilt is...

The best part of making a quilt is...

Seeing it being used and loved.

This is my friend's little girl using the quilt I gave her. This little sweetie is a fighter, and it's so good to see her smiling. Laura is a great photographer - she took my headshot that you see on the home page. If you would like to see more of her work and live near Waco, TX, you should check her site here or her FB page here.

And since we are on the babies on quilts subject, here is an old one of my nephew on the quilt I made him. This was almost a year ago --- Crazy!

So, what's the best part of making a quilt for you?

That's it guys!

I just wanted to share some cute babies on quilts pictures to start your week with a smile.

It's okay, you are welcomed! ;)

Have a great week!

xo, S.

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