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Michael Miller Fabric Challenge for QuiltCon

I have been working on my QuiltCon quilt using the Glitz fabric from Michael Miller. I am excited to be almost done - just need to finish the binding. This was a fun design to work on. I had the design in mind for a long time, but I knew that I would be using neddle turn applique and waited until after my workshop with Carolyn Friedlander to start my Michael Miller Challenge appliqué. I love the process that I went through, designing and constructing the quilt finding my own identity as a quilter. I believe the saying that there is nothing new under the sun. Sometimes I see an idea in my head already similarly contructed by someone else. Sometimes that's discouraging, but it is also good to challenge myself to take my own approach. I try to think how else can I explore that subject.

On this design, I used a very familiar image: an Alexander Calder mobile. However, I took my own approach by incorporating the blue background as a representation of an Ellsworth Kelly work because that's how I saw one particular Calder floating in front of a grand blue and black EK panel at the Pulitzer Museum in Saint Louis. I love the combination of the two artists and the contrast that the flat painting had with the organic 3D mobile.

For the back, I used Michael Miller's Cotton Couture solids, resembling another EK work with two large curves. The Cotton Couture fabric was wonderful to work with and the hand/feel is amazing.

The last step on designing the quilt was figuring out the quilting. I opted for the organic rippled lines, but I had a lot of fun designing different quilting ideas. Tip: I usually sketch or print my design and make copies that I can color and work with pencil. This gives me a set plan and helpes me to divide the space into smaller areas, which makes quilting it easier.

I am submitting this to QuiltCon - fingers crossed, but even if it doesn't make the show I'll later post the whole quilt done here.

Do you plan your quilting? How do you design or explore ideas?

I'm linking it to:

Have a great week!

xo, S.

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