Technicolor Galaxy progress
I am back from our family's holiday trip, so I should also be back at the blog, right? Since it has been a while, I thought I could show my progress on the Technicolor Galaxy BOM.
I had stopped working on this, since Alyssa from Pile O'Fabric has been sick and I'm not in any rush. I know some people are finishing theirs up, but I'm still waiting. I had never done Quilt-as-you-go (QAYG), so I don't want to mess it up.

I did get back to quilting the outer circle pieces that were neglected these last months. I feel that since this a QAYG and I have small, manageble size pieces, I want to practice my FMQ on them. I am quilting lines, pebbles, swirls, and feathers. I am not doing quilt sandwich samples - I know, risky! - but yet, going straight to the pieces. This quilt won't be perfect, but I want it to be my learning quilt, so I am okay with it.

I am hoping to finish the other pieces soon, so I can be all caught up for when Alyssa posts the lasts steps.
What are your thoughts on FMQ? Needs to be perfect or mistakes are okay? Do you practice on samples? I would love to hear about it.
Have a great day!
xo, S.