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Paintbrush Studio new blog block hop

It's that fun time of the year again. The New Block Blog Hop hosted by Paintbrush Studio. This beautiful Ocean Sunrise color palette includes Midnight, Daydream, White, Peach, Coral, Bordeaux.

This solids were wonderful to work with, but I suggest pre-washing to avoid bleed and shrinkage.




  1. a length of thread or yarn, loosely coiled and knotted.

  • a tangled or complicated arrangement, state, or situation.

"the skeins of her long hair"

  • a flock of wild geese or swans in flight, typically in a V-shaped formation.

Skein block

Block 1: White (light), Bordeaux (dark), and Coral (medium)/ Block 2: Daydream (light), Midnight (dark), and Peach (medium)

Make one 12 ½” unfinished block (12” finished)

Technique: Foundation Paper Piecing (FPP)

Level: Beginner – Intermediate

WOF – Width of Fabric – At least 42” wide

RST – Right sides together

All seams are ¼”


Light Fabric – ¼ yard

Medium Fabric – 1/8 yard

Dark Fabric – 1/8 yard

Template A, B, C, and D printed (download the PDF here)

Washable glue stick (optional)

Sharp tracing wheel (optional)

Add-a-quarter ruler (optional)

Spray starch (optional)

Foam board (optional)


Light fabric – Cut 2 @ 4” x WOF

Subcut into 2 @ 14” x 4” (for sections A1 and C1) and 2 @ 11” x 4” (for sections A3 and C3)

Dark fabric – Cut 1 @ 2 ½” x WOF

Subcut into 2 @ 2 ½” x 12” (for sections A2 and C2) and 2 @2 ½” x 9” (for sections B6 and D6)

Cut 1 @ 2” x WOF

Subcut into 2 @ 2” x 7” (for sections B4 and D4) and 2 @ 2” x 5” (for sections B2 and D2)

Medium fabric – Cut 1 @ 4” x WOF

Subcut into 2 @ 4” x 9” (for sections B5 and D5), 2 @ 4” x 6 ½” (for sections B3 and D3), and 2 @ 4” x 4” (for sections B1 and D1).

Block Construction:

Sections A and C:

1- Tape section A and C sections to obtain full template. Tip: I like to run a sharp tracing wheel over the template sewing lines to make the ripping easier. I use a foam board to cushion the tracing.

2- Lightly apply the washable glue stick to the back of the A1 template and lay the 14” x 4” light fabric facing down (the wrong side of the fabric will be touching the glue), leaving at least ¼” pass the A1-A2 line. Fold on the line. Press with an iron.

3- Place the dark 2 ½” x 12” piece RST, lining up the edges on the ¼” seam allowance.

4- Open paper and stitch on A1-A2 line, backstitching at start and end of the line. Do not sew into the ¼” seam allowance. Press (on the fabric side).

5- Fold template on A2-A3 line and trim excess, ¼” away from paper.

6- Add light 4”x 11” piece RST, matching ¼” seam allowance. Open paper and stitch on A2-A3 line in the same manner as previous line. Press.

7- Trim template around outer line and set aside. Tip: Designate a rotary cutter and blade just for paper to avoid dulling the fabric one.

8- Repeat steps 1-7 for section C, stitching on C1-C2 line, then C2-C3 line.

Sections B and D:

9- Lightly glue baste the 4” x 4” medium fabric face down to the back of the B1 template (the wrong side of the fabric will be touching the glue), leaving at least ¼” pass the B1-B2 line. Fold on the line. Press with an iron.

10- Place the dark 2” x 5” piece RST, lining up the edges on the ¼” seam allowance. Open paper and stitch on B1-B2 line, backstitching at start and end of the line. Do not sew into the ¼” seam allowance. Press (on the fabric side).

11- Fold template on B2-B3 line and trim excess, ¼” away from paper.

12- Add medium 4”x 6 ½” piece RST, matching ¼” seam allowance. Open paper and stitch on B2-B3 line in the same manner as previous line. Press.

13- Fold template on B3-B4 line and trim excess, ¼” away from paper. Add dark 2” x 7” piece RST, matching ¼” seam allowance. Open paper and stitch on B3-B4 line. Press.

14- Fold template on B4-B5 line and trim excess, ¼” away from paper. Add medium 4”x 9” piece RST, matching ¼” seam allowance. Open paper and stitch on B4-B5 line. Press.

15- Fold template on B5-B6 line and trim excess, ¼” away from paper. Add dark 2” x 9” piece RST, matching ¼” seam allowance. Open paper and stitch on B5-B6 line. Press.

16- Trim template around outer line and set aside.

17- Repeat steps 7-13 for section d, stitching on D1-D2, D2-D3, D3-D4, D4-D5, D5-D6 lines.

Joining the sections:

18- Lay out pieces (see picture below) for reference. Gently remove the paper from all sections.

19- Join section A to section B. Press to the side (following FPP pressing)

20- Join section C to section D. Press (same as above).

21- Join section AB to section CD. Press open. Tip: This is a bias edge seam. Use spray starch to help maintain the block's shape before sewing.

22- Trim block to 12 ½” square.

Congratulations! You are done! Enjoy your work.

Here are some layouts that you can do with this block:

Feel free to ask, comment or just say hi below. Don't forget to download the templates here.

Thank you for stopping by and don't forget to check out the other blocks on the hop and visit Yvonnne's (@Quilting Jetgirl) and Painter's Studio's blog (@Inspired by Fabric) to enter the giveaway for a half yard bundle of each of the Ocean Sunrise colors:

Monday, March 28th

Host: Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl

Silvia @A Stranger View (that's me!)

Tuesday, March 29th

Wednesday, March 30th

Host: Stephanie @Late Night Quilter

Kathryn @Kupitis

Also, make sure to follow me on Ello (@astrangerview). I'll be posting there in addition to Instagram (@astrangerview).

Have a great sewing day!

xo, S.

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