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2016 Cloud 9 New Block - Dip block

Once again I am joining a super talented group of quilters for a fun block hop. This time Cloud 9 generously provided us with some wonderful Cirrus Solids that was very inspiring. This was my first time working with transparency and I hope you like this tutorial as much as I enjoyed making this block. Finally, don't forget to enter the giveaway through our hosts' blogs (links at the end of tutorial). So, let's get to it.

Dip block

Make one 12 ½” unfinished block (12” finished)

Technique: Curve piecing and glue basting

Level: Beginner – Intermediate

WOF – Width of Fabric – At least 42” wide

SA – Seam allowance

RST - Right sides together

FQ – Fat Quarter

Seams are ¼”or a scant ¼”


Background Fabric – Sky (Light blue) – ¼ yard or FQ

Light Fabric – Lilac – 1/8 yard or FQ

Medium Fabric – Amazon (Dark blue) – ¼ yard or FQ

Dark Fabric – Iris (Dark purple) – 1/8 yard or FQ

Template A, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, and L printed (download it here or on Craftsy here)

Washable glue


Background Fabric – Cut 1 @ 6 ½” x WOF

Subcut into (2) Template A

(1) Template E

(1) Template L

Light Fabric – Cut 1 @ 4 ½” x WOF

Subcut into (2) Template F

(1) Template G

(1) Template J

Medium Fabric – Cut 1 @ 6 ½” x WOF

Subcut into (1) Template D

(1) Template C

Dark Fabric – Cut 1 @ 2” x WOF

Subcut into (1) Template H

(1) Template K

Block construction:

  1. Start by laying out block. (See image above) Join H to G and K to J (dark and light). Use template F to trim up any excess on HG unit and KJ unit.

  2. Join D to E and C to L (medium and background). Use template A to trim up any excess on DE unit and CL unit.

  1. Sew F to A. Repeat for the second FA unit. NOTE: This is a curve and can be accomplished in many different ways. In this block the bottom curves are glue basted. The same technique can be used on the top ones or any other curve technique that you feel more comfortable to. I like to use the no-pin technique. Check out Shecanquilt tutorial here.

  1. Mark the 1/4" SA on the intersection points.

  1. For this curve, glue basting works great to keep all those intersections perfectly matching. You can adjust if needed without having to rip any stitches. Finger press mark and pin center of HG and DE units.

  1. Pin the intersection right about ¼” in from the edge, matching the dark and medium fabrics. Sew HG unit to DE unit.

  2. Apply a fine line of glue on the area, about ½” around the match. Press it with a dry iron to set the glue. Check to make sure the match is in the correct place. Continue gluing and pressing in small sections until the whole curve is basted.

  1. Sew with a ¼” seam allowance (L-shape on top, curve on bottom).

  1. Repeat step 4 to sew KJ unit to CL unit.

  2. Square blocks to 6 ½”.

  3. Join the top two blocks with a scant ¼” and press to the side. NOTE: I prefer to press the curves to opposite directions and nest the seams as shown in picture below. This gives a perfect matching circle shape.

  1. Join the bottom two blocks with a scant ¼” using the glue basting method and press to opposite side of the two top blocks.

  1. Nest seams and join top and bottom blocks with a scant ¼” and press open.

  1. Square block to 12 ½”.

Congratulations! You are done! Enjoy your work.

Show me what you make! #dipblockquilt

IG: @astrangerview

Ello: @astrangerview



Here are some layouts and color options you can do with this block:

Download the templates here and coloring page here or the full pattern on my Crafsty shop - here.

Don't forget to check out all the other blocks from today's hop and click here to check out yesterday's blocks.

Monday, September 12th

Host: Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl

Wednesday, September 14th

Host: Stephanie @Late Night Quilter

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